Process on how to install Master Data By Mint app
Initial Integration Guide
There are two type of boards involved into the integration process
Master Board Structure: 7 columns of board structure
These should be installed both master board and source board
Board view should be installed on the low-level (source) board(s)
Column types supported by Master Data by Mint app
Up to 20000 items and no more than 50 columns per board.
The Master Data App is designed as a Data Repository, so the Sync is one way from Source to Master. The “Source item URL” and “Parent item URL” allow for quick navigation to specific items, and sub-items.
Option 1:
You can utilise different views with “Board Name” or “Group Name” Contains filters e.g. “Master Data Installation – Projects” or “Completed Tasks – Invoice Client“. You will need to adjust the Board Names and/or Group Names accordingly.
Option 2:
Use a filter on the “People” Column for each Team e.g. Accounting Team.
Option 3:
Add a Dropdown column named Entity to each Source and Master Board. Label them to suit your needs. e.g. Invoices/Projects/Opportunities/Tasks. Each team can now filter by the Entity Types that they require. On each source board, set up a default value for that Entity, so when new items are created, the column automatically fills in.
Double check that you have followed the installation guide correctly which can be found here -> If you have followed it correctly try uninstalling, and reinstalling the Master Data App. If you are still getting duplication issues, you can email, or book in with our team here ->
Option 1:
The Source Board Recipe missing,
Option 2:
Your mapping hasn’t been saved in the Board View.
Option 3:
You have hit your monthly limit on App/Integration actions and may need to upgrade your App tier, or monday tier.
Go for it!
Option 1:
Turn off Board notifications “Mute all notifications from this board for all board members” in the Board notifications menu
Option 2:
Create a second People column on your Master Board, and map your Source Board People Columns to it. monday only notifies