Supported Column Types

Following table contains all monday column types specifying which of them are supported by Master Data by Mint app. column type Is supported by app? Note
People Column
Status Column
Priority Column
Label Column
Text Column
Long Text Column
Numbers Column
Date Column
Timeline Column
Word Clock Column
Hour Column
Tags Column
Dropdown Column
Checkbox Column
Dependency Column
Connect Boards Column
Mirror Column
Link Column
Location Column
Country Column
Email Column
Phone Column
Creation Log Column
Auto Number Column
Item ID Column
Progress Tracking Column
Vote Column
Rating Column
Week Column
Button Column
Formula Column
Color Picker Column
Last Updated Column
Time Tracking Column
Files Column Possible to support but File column usage will highly affect the app’s performance.
Monday Doc Column Possible to support but Monday Doc column usage will highly affect the app’s performance.
Meeting Notes Column
Creative Brief Column